The Fred Rogers Archive

The Fred Rogers Archive preserves over 22,000 items from Fred Rogers' personal and professional life. The Archive is essential to the work of the Fred Rogers Institute, and is a source for research into children’s television, early childhood development, and Fred Rogers’ unique role in bridging both fields. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers may request access provisions to study Fred’s life and legacy. Please complete the form below to reach out to our Archivist. Below, you can explore a sampling of the Archive - you're sure to find a treasure!

Mister Rogers Talks About Divorce

Mister Rogers Talks About Divorce

Mister Rogers talks to his viewers about divorce. He says that even though it is an adult issue, it is an important matter that everyone can talk about. Mister Rogers pretends that the king, queen, and prince are having a picnic. In the park, the king and queen have a number of disagreements.

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Mister Rogers Visits Russia

Mister Rogers and a translator meet Tatiana Vedeneeva, the host of Good Night Little Ones. She shows them the television studio where she films her children's program. Mister Rogers plays the piano and meets the crew. Daniel Tiger even overcomes a bit of shyness to meet one of the puppets.

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Alexander Rogers was one of Fred Rogers' favorite people. Fred was elated to become a grandfather and found that role to be one of life's greatest gifts. This photo shows Fred and Alexander interacting while reading a book. Fred often spoke about his pleasant memories of his parents reading to him when he was a child.

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Chuck Aber Oral History

Chuck Aber was a frequent neighbor on the television program, both in Mister Rogers' real world and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. In this oral history, Aber remembers rehearsing for the television operas, specifically "Josephine the Short-Neck Giraffe" and "Spoon Mountain."

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I Made It

The episode that Fred intended this song for is about building things by hand. Mister Rogers puts together a go-cart and Bob Trow shows a pulley system. Mister Rogers talks about wanting something that his parents couldn't buy him, so he made it instead.

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Thoughts 1361-1365

Fred Rogers wrote these tips for parents on how children can learn about being helpers. The emphases on cooking and working towards a goal relate to a particular week of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood episodes. Mister Rogers bakes waffles with a few Neighborhood friends.

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Sam Newbury Oral History

Sam Newbury Oral History

Sam Newbury, initially a producer for Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, went on to work on some of Fred's projects beyond the television program, including professional development and educational materials.

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Margy Whitmer was the producer of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. She worked closely with Fred on many of his projects. Here she helps Fred to apply his makeup as he prepares to shoot an episode of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

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Fred Rogers Comments

By 1974, Fred Rogers had been working in children's television for twenty years. He started as a puppeteer on Children's Corner with Josie Carey and then made his way in front of the camera in the Canadian version of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

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Contributing to the Archive

If you have an item you believe belongs in the Fred Rogers Archive, please let us know! The items in the Archive must be directly related to Fred Rogers and his production company. We do not accept self-created items such as creative, journalistic, or research writings, or artwork. We do not purchase items to include in the Archive or sell memorabilia from the Archive. 

Contact the Archivist

The Fred Rogers Institute Archivist is available for requests and inquiries from students and researchers. 
