Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

The Power of Puppet Play - It's Not Just Make Believe

The Power of Puppet Play - It's Not Just Make Believe

November 2021: The new Mister Rogers sculpture that was recently unveiled at Rollins College is a remarkably fit tribute to Fred. I was delighted to see that the sculptor Paul Day decided to depict Fred with his Daniel puppet talking with children.

When Difficult Things Happen

When Difficult Things Happen

A guide from the Fred Rogers Institute for supporting children through hard moments in life.

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Our educators of the neighborhood were in full swing in their classrooms in March, ready with next episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood to play, and creative ideas to try out with their students. Then, schools closed. Now, they remain closed. In challenging times, Fred Rogers is often quoted saying something he lear

Beautiful Gifts

Beautiful Gifts

School year 2020-21 was a year of wide-ranging and significant everything. Full of layered emotions and experiences existing between the ever-collapsing dichotomies of together-alone, 2D-3D, right-wrong, real-unreal, then-now, time-no time, nowhere-here.

Dress-Up Day

Dress-Up Day

October 2021: However you're dealing (or not dealing) with Halloween in your work with children, this holiday reminds us of how much children love to dress up in costumes and how much they get from it.

Shedding Light on Shadows

Shedding Light on Shadows

October 2022: Ever since I started presenting workshops on Fred's approach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math), I've kept my ears open for stories of children's questions about the world around them -- and for the way their teachers respond.

Letters of Love and Learning: A conversation through the years

Letters of Love and Learning: A conversation through the years

In 2017, we began a pen pal project with our Kindergarten classes, both in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, but in different parts of the city. What began as a project for our students grew into a friendship and ongoing professional relationship, including our learning about Mister Rogers' Neighborhood with Educators'...

Play as Truth

Play as Truth

"Play is a child's most important means of communication. Children are not self-conscious about playing. They play out what they think is real. That's the ultimate honesty. Children bring their whole inner drama to any relationship." - Fred Rogers

The Way It's Supposed To Be

The Way It's Supposed To Be

"That I might do things differently, and that's the way it's supposed to be." The voice is coming from one of the Pre-Primary teachers in the center where I worked as an administrator at the time. It is September of 2020 and we have just finished our weekly Zoom share ...

Simple Interactions Toolkit

Simple Interactions Toolkit

This Toolkit was developed through the work of this IMLS grant and is designed to be a flexible step-by-step walk-through. Our main goal in creating the toolkit is that it can be used in whatever way helps people to reflect on and appreciate the depth of the simple interactions all around them.

Neighborly Ways to Celebrate

Neighborly Ways to Celebrate

March 2022: I've always thought of the March newsletter as special because March 20 was Fred's birthday. Over the years, we've even celebrated Fred's birthday on March 20 in a special way - by wearing a sweater - and doing something neighborly. Maybe you'd like to join in that tradition too.

When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies

When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies

Pets can play a big part in a child's life. Your child may feel like their pets are a part of them, especially if the pet has been in the family for the child's whole life. The death of a pet may be the first time your child has talked through, thought about, or experienced loss...

Interview with Good Morning America

Interview with Good Morning America

A beautiful day to talk to Kate and Charlie Gibson about the love of reading and the gift of unhurried time that Fred Rogers shared with us and we can share with our children!

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

In this episode of the Early Childhood Investigations Webinar series, Dr. Winters and Dr. Li provide an overview of the Simple Interactions work as a response to Fred Rogers' question to the early childhood profession: "Did you ever wonder if you have made a difference?" This free webinar is generously hosted and share

On the Importance of Slowing Down

On the Importance of Slowing Down

Slowness—as both an idea and practice—is a significant layer of what we can learn from Fred Rogers and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. And slowness is about much more than going slowly. Slowness opens a space for what is essential for children and their helpers.

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Your financial support of the Institute helps us expand our initiatives and resources so that educators and children's helpers can continue to learn and grow from Fred Rogers' legacy. Thank you!
