Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resource
Compassion Fatigue
Digital Wellness
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 
Conversation Starter Deck

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

Family Engagement: For Helpers during COVID-19

Family Engagement: For Helpers during COVID-19

A guide for educators, caregivers, and other helpers in a child's life in establishing relationships with families, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis. From the Fred Rogers Institute and the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning.

Grown-up learning from Fred Rogers: Authenticity

Grown-up learning from Fred Rogers: Authenticity

When I was a young child I often played "teacher." I loved to line up my stuffed animals and dolls and read to them the way my teacher read to my class. I loved the idea of grading papers with a red pen and singing songs at circle time. These are the actions that meant "teaching" to me as a young child as I observed...

Don't Forget the Fun

Don't Forget the Fun

September 2021: In the midst of all we've been going through in this pandemic time, I've thought about something that Helen Ross, a noted children and family mental health specialist, told Fred...

Family Engagement: For Grandparents

Family Engagement: For Grandparents

A guide for grandparents as you establish relationships with educators, caregivers, and other helpers in a child's life. From the Fred Rogers Institute and the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning.

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The beauty and strength of a design emerge in the simplicity of its form. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey, 1942).

Beautiful Gifts

Beautiful Gifts

School year 2020-21 was a year of wide-ranging and significant everything. Full of layered emotions and experiences existing between the ever-collapsing dichotomies of together-alone, 2D-3D, right-wrong, real-unreal, then-now, time-no time, nowhere-here.

Interview with Good Morning America

Interview with Good Morning America

Emma Swift Lee, the director of the Fred Rogers Institute, talks on Good Morning America about the love of reading. Fred Rogers shared with us the gift of unhurried time, which we can share with our children.

Little Children -- Big Words

Little Children -- Big Words

April 2023: The other day I heard a child singing "Row, row, row your boat," and I couldn't help thinking of the delightful version of that song that Fred wrote for King Friday - Propel, propel, propel your craft... Gently down liquid solution. Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,

"It's very, very, very hard to wait."

"It's very, very, very hard to wait."

Fred Rogers explored how children experienced emotions and this newsletter looks at how he interpreted what it is like for a child to have to wait. Discover ways of letting children know their feelings are natural and helping to find ways to manage strong emotions. Keywords: patience

2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

Read our 2022 Annual Report to learn about the ways we invested in the strengths of caring adults and advanced Fred's legacy this year!

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

In this episode of the Early Childhood Investigations Webinar series, Dr. Winters and Dr. Li provide an overview of the Simple Interactions work as a response to Fred Rogers' question to the early childhood profession: "Did you ever wonder if you have made a difference?" This free webinar is generously hosted and share

Fred Rogers' Methodology of Beingness

Fred Rogers' Methodology of Beingness

I recently read a description of strong relationships as those built on a foundation where each person potentiates the other. I love thinking of potential in this practice-based way.

Can We Play That Love Song Again?

Can We Play That Love Song Again?

"A child was having a hard day, slumped in the corner of a classroom, shirt pulled over his head. He poked out of his shirt to yell to the teacher across the room who was engaged with the other children in the class: Hey, can we play that love song again?"

Beechwood Kindergarteners Learn with Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Beechwood Kindergarteners Learn with Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

"After 30 years of teaching, I never would have thought I'd be showing Mister Rogers' Neighborhood to my students," says Kathy Brown, a Kindergarten teacher at Pittsburgh Beechwood preK-5, in Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Expanding the Neighborhood

Expanding the Neighborhood

Learn the importance of diversifying music and listening with this resource that explores Fred Rogers and the many uses for music, as well as listening and empathy.

When Someone a Child Loves Dies: A booklist

When Someone a Child Loves Dies: A booklist

A librarian-curated booklist for children facing a the death of a loved one.

Remote Learning Lessons from Mister Rogers

Remote Learning Lessons from Mister Rogers

"As schools search for ways to educate children this school year, my heart reminds me to slow down to notice for what's already here. We have a beautiful example of how to inspire joyful, curious learning through a screen. That example is Mister Rogers' Neighborhood."

Fundamentals of Learning and Growing

Fundamentals of Learning and Growing

There is so much we think about when we help children learn and grow. Explore the foundations in which learning and growing are built upon order to become empathetic.

Math You Can Count On

Math You Can Count On

Math can be a difficult subject in early childhood education. See how Fred approaches numbers and counting. Connect with math and discover ways to incorporate learning numbers into everyday life for children.

Shedding Light on Shadows

Shedding Light on Shadows

October 2022: Ever since I started presenting workshops on Fred's approach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math), I've kept my ears open for stories of children's questions about the world around them -- and for the way their teachers respond.

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Your financial support of the Institute helps us expand our initiatives and resources so that educators and children's helpers can continue to learn and grow from Fred Rogers' legacy. Thank you!
