Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

Many Ways to Say I Love You

Many Ways to Say I Love You

November 2023: Around this time of year, a number of years ago, I received in the mail a drawing from my 3-year-old granddaughter. It was sent from her child care center. At the top was a note she dictated to her teacher, letting me know that the scribbles, lines and circles said "I love you, Grandma Hedda."

'Tis the Season - For Some Quiet

'Tis the Season - For Some Quiet

December 2021: With all the holidays this month, we talk about this season as a time of peace, joy, light, and hope. But it's also a time when it's easy to feel stressed, over-burdened and under-appreciated, so I am offering you a treasured video from one of our early professional development workshops.

Technology and Interactive Media for Young Children

Technology and Interactive Media for Young Children

Report synthesizing the discussion, research, and practice around technology and media for young children and aligning it to Fred Rogers' ideas about how television could encourage and support whole child development.

Look-Listen Relationship

Look-Listen Relationship

In Mister Rogers Talks with Parents (1983), Fred Rogers, in collaboration with Barry Head, outlines six "basic necessities" for children's learning readiness, one of which is "the capacity to look and listen carefully" (p170).

Save for a Rainy Day

Save for a Rainy Day

September 2022: I don't know what this summer has been like in your neighborhood, but it's been raining a lot around here. I even caught myself singing, "Rain, rain go away.

What if we talked with educators like that?

What if we talked with educators like that?

In our Educators' Neighborhood community, anytime we show and discuss a clip of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood where Fred Rogers talks with a guest, the conversation overflows with description of all that is beautiful about the interaction.

Frankie the Otter: An Interactive Educator Resource

Frankie the Otter: An Interactive Educator Resource

nformed by the teachings and philosophies of Fred Rogers, this teacher's resource draws connections between the work of Fred Rogers and the world of an otter named Frankie. In addition, each section includes thematic concepts, curriculum connections, and activities ideas.

From Foundations of Trust

From Foundations of Trust

As Educators' Neighborhood moves into its fifth year of educators learning together inspired by the life and work of Fred Rogers, I've been reflecting on the core of this work, it's essential through-line, the heart of it.

Remote Learning Lessons from Mister Rogers

Remote Learning Lessons from Mister Rogers

"As schools search for ways to educate children this school year, my heart reminds me to slow down to notice for what's already here. We have a beautiful example of how to inspire joyful, curious learning through a screen. That example is Mister Rogers' Neighborhood."

Sensing Goodness

Sensing Goodness

Good is a little word that means many things. It can signal graciousness, generosity, virtue, or it can mark concise word choice when grand, fabulous, brilliant is too much. In its simplicity, it upholds its enoughness.

Shedding Light on Shadows

Shedding Light on Shadows

October 2022: Ever since I started presenting workshops on Fred's approach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math), I've kept my ears open for stories of children's questions about the world around them -- and for the way their teachers respond.

Fundamentals of Learning and Growing

Fundamentals of Learning and Growing

There is so much we think about when we help children learn and grow. We wonder what activities to plan, what experiences are important, what materials and toys are necessary, how to create a supportive environment...all while meeting basic needs and balancing opinions and outside influences.

EN Newsletter February 2023

EN Newsletter February 2023

This year's Mid-Year Convening on January 21 included ten educator-led breakout sessions on topics such as trauma aware care, QRIS peer learning communities, and building community in early childhood and secondary classrooms.

Small is Enough

Small is Enough

The factory visits of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood—when Mr. McFeely visits Mister Rogers with video tapes of "how people make things"—are rich with opportunities for wonder, connection, and delight.

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The beauty and strength of a design emerge in the simplicity of its form. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey, 1942).

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Your financial support of the Institute helps us expand our initiatives and resources so that educators and children's helpers can continue to learn and grow from Fred Rogers' legacy. Thank you!
