Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

A Summertime Gift

A Summertime Gift

July 2022: For many of my friends in early childhood, this is the time of year they love most. It's summertime. Some programs take a break. Other programs have a slower pace, more like summer camp. Professors' schedules are often lighter. Whatever it's like for your work, I hope you can take a bit of a breather...

A Tribute to Fred Rogers -- and You

A Tribute to Fred Rogers -- and You

March 2023: March 20th would be Fred Rogers' 95th birthday, and I wanted to celebrate by sharing with you the tribute video that PBS produced shortly after his death in 2003.

Reflections on Fred Rogers' Healing Power of Presence

Reflections on Fred Rogers' Healing Power of Presence

Lately, I've been wondering what it was about the presence of Fred Rogers that helped to foster mutuality and connection. Throughout my time as a public educator, children and family pastor, and resident hospital chaplain, I have looked to Fred as an exemplar in how to engage and be with those I am seeking to serve...

"It's very, very, very hard to wait."

"It's very, very, very hard to wait."

January 2024: We live in a world where we've come to expect instant gratification. We expect immediate answers to our emails. We expect next-day deliveries for our online orders. We expect our microwaved food to be ready in seconds. No wonder we get upset when we have to wait.

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

The Difference We Make: The Importance of Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood

In this episode of the Early Childhood Investigations Webinar series, Dr. Winters and Dr. Li provide an overview of the Simple Interactions work as a response to Fred Rogers' question to the early childhood profession: "Did you ever wonder if you have made a difference?" This free webinar is generously hosted and share

Talking to Children about Difficult Things in the News

Talking to Children about Difficult Things in the News

During times of tragedy and difficulty in the news, it can be difficult to know whether and how to talk to children about what is happening in their world. In this resource we offer ideas and support for guiding children through news about difficult current events.

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The Simple Spiral of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

The beauty and strength of a design emerge in the simplicity of its form. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey, 1942).

From Foundations of Trust

From Foundations of Trust

As Educators' Neighborhood moves into its fifth year of educators learning together inspired by the life and work of Fred Rogers, I've been reflecting on the core of this work, it's essential through-line, the heart of it.

Food for Thought - and Nourishment

Food for Thought - and Nourishment

November 2022: With all the emphasis on food at Thanksgiving, I thought you'd appreciate seeing the video below when Fred talked about nourishment. He began with a focus on food, but then he went on to talk about other kinds of nourishment that we all need.

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

June 2022: It was 1968 when Fred introduced us to his song, "What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel." That was over fifty years ago, and the messages of that song are as needed today as ever. Fred knew how important it is to help children learn to deal with their angry feelings. But in his song he wasn't ...

Living Our Questions

Living Our Questions

Fred Rogers loved questions. And he loved inviting YOU to ask questions about anything and everything.

A Memorable Marsalis Musical Gift

A Memorable Marsalis Musical Gift

December 2022: In all the years that I worked with Fred, one of the things I came to appreciate is that he encouraged us to be "mindful" - and that was long before it was a part of our vocabulary.

'Tis the Season - For Some Quiet

'Tis the Season - For Some Quiet

December 2021: With all the holidays this month, we talk about this season as a time of peace, joy, light, and hope. But it's also a time when it's easy to feel stressed, over-burdened and under-appreciated, so I am offering you a treasured video from one of our early professional development workshops.

Neighborly Ways to Celebrate

Neighborly Ways to Celebrate

March 2022: I've always thought of the March newsletter as special because March 20 was Fred's birthday. Over the years, we've even celebrated Fred's birthday on March 20 in a special way - by wearing a sweater - and doing something neighborly. Maybe you'd like to join in that tradition too.

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Our educators of the neighborhood were in full swing in their classrooms in March, ready with next episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood to play, and creative ideas to try out with their students. Then, schools closed. Now, they remain closed. In challenging times, Fred Rogers is often quoted saying something he lear

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Your financial support of the Institute helps us expand our initiatives and resources so that educators and children's helpers can continue to learn and grow from Fred Rogers' legacy. Thank you!
