Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

Plant One Seed - Grow Two Lessons

Plant One Seed - Grow Two Lessons

May 2022: Welcome to springtime - the "growing season!" Many teachers are using this time of year to offer a science lesson about "growing" by planting seeds. It's a great way to help children see first-hand what a seed needs in order to grow into a plant - soil, water, light.

Reflections on Fred Rogers' Healing Power of Presence

Reflections on Fred Rogers' Healing Power of Presence

Lately, I've been wondering what it was about the presence of Fred Rogers that helped to foster mutuality and connection. Throughout my time as a public educator, children and family pastor, and resident hospital chaplain, I have looked to Fred as an exemplar in how to engage and be with those I am seeking to serve...

The Power of Puppet Play - It's Not Just Make Believe

The Power of Puppet Play - It's Not Just Make Believe

November 2021: The new Mister Rogers sculpture that was recently unveiled at Rollins College is a remarkably fit tribute to Fred. I was delighted to see that the sculptor Paul Day decided to depict Fred with his Daniel puppet talking with children.

Can We Play That Love Song Again?

Can We Play That Love Song Again?

"A child was having a hard day, slumped in the corner of a classroom, shirt pulled over his head. He poked out of his shirt to yell to the teacher across the room who was engaged with the other children in the class: Hey, can we play that love song again?"

Simple Interactions Toolkit

Simple Interactions Toolkit

This Toolkit was developed through the work of this IMLS grant and is designed to be a flexible step-by-step walk-through. Our main goal in creating the toolkit is that it can be used in whatever way helps people to reflect on and appreciate the depth of the simple interactions all around them.

Family Engagement: For Families

Family Engagement: For Families

A guide for families in establishing relationships with the educators, caregivers, and other helpers in a child's life. From the Fred Rogers Institute and the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning.

A Summertime Gift

A Summertime Gift

July 2022: For many of my friends in early childhood, this is the time of year they love most. It's summertime. Some programs take a break. Other programs have a slower pace, more like summer camp. Professors' schedules are often lighter. Whatever it's like for your work, I hope you can take a bit of a breather...

Living Our Questions

Living Our Questions

Fred Rogers loved questions. And he loved inviting YOU to ask questions about anything and everything.

What if we talked with educators like that?

What if we talked with educators like that?

In our Educators' Neighborhood community, anytime we show and discuss a clip of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood where Fred Rogers talks with a guest, the conversation overflows with description of all that is beautiful about the interaction.

2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

Read our 2022 Annual Report to learn about the ways we invested in the strengths of caring adults and advanced Fred's legacy this year!

Reflective Thoughts for the New Year

Reflective Thoughts for the New Year

January 2022: Here we are at the beginning of the year when we're "looking ahead," wondering what this new year will bring. It seems kind of ironic, but "looking back" can help us with our journey ahead. There's even a name for that in early childhood — reflective teaching.

Family Engagement: For Families of Children with Disabilities

Family Engagement: For Families of Children with Disabilities

A guide for families of children with disabilities as you establish relationships with educators, caregivers, and other helpers in a child's life. From the Fred Rogers Institute and the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning.

Dress-Up Day

Dress-Up Day

October 2021: However you're dealing (or not dealing) with Halloween in your work with children, this holiday reminds us of how much children love to dress up in costumes and how much they get from it.

From Foundations of Trust

From Foundations of Trust

As Educators' Neighborhood moves into its fifth year of educators learning together inspired by the life and work of Fred Rogers, I've been reflecting on the core of this work, it's essential through-line, the heart of it.

Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

August 2021: It's the beginning of a new school year, and I remember a teacher telling me that while she's excited to work with a new group of children, this has always been a challenging time for her. Now and then she sometimes starts to feel sad or a little impatient.

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Your financial support of the Institute helps us expand our initiatives and resources so that educators and children's helpers can continue to learn and grow from Fred Rogers' legacy. Thank you!
